العناصر الأساسية في تحديد أنواع العقود
key elements of contract types:
Which party owns the hydrocarbons?
How will the IOC be compensated?
How much operational freedom does the IOC have?
Which party owns the production related assets?
What is the nature of the state’s take?
· Hydrocarbons
Almost all countries title to subsurface
In some countries, the IOC can’t legally own
hydrocarbons at any stage of production or exploration, they only receive cash
· IOC compensation
The IOC might:
A. Own oil
production and simply pay royalty or taxes
Have no title to oil and merely receives fees
Split production with the state
The method of compensation will determine whether the
IOC’s revenues are driven by:
o The market price
of oil
o The cost of the
IOC’s investment in the exploration and production activities
o Or a combination
of the two
· Operational
freedom of the IOC
The IOC provides investment capital, so it desires sufficient
control over:
o How it is spent
o Subsequent operations
However, in many nations it is politically
unacceptable to enable IOCs to have control over oil
Control can be illusory i.e. countries
that lack managerial and technical experience are unable to control
· Ownership of
IOC may finance the capital but not own the assets
· The nature of
the state’s take
The states take can be:
o Volume-driven
e.g. royalty
o Profit-driven
e.g. tax
العقود البترولية
Main contract types
Concession عقد
Production-sharing عقد مشاركة الإنتاج
Service عقد المقاولة
Concession contracts
It was the most common type of oil contracts
It grants the IOC with substantial rights and
o The IOC enjoys
wide-ranging (not total) managerial control over operations i.e. little
government interference
o The IOC has the exclusive
right to explore for and produce oil in the concession area
o Owns all
production-related assets
The role of the state:
o Royalty and
tax collector
o Sometimes
requires work programs, particularly in the exploration stage, as a condition
for granting a license
IOC payments include:
Profits tax
Disadvantages of concession contracts:
o The IOC may
compromise the environment, health, safety, or human rights
o The IOC may
impose political or economic pressure on the state
Production-sharing contracts (PSC)
The state maintains title to the hydrocarbons
The IOC operates at its sole risk and expense
but under the state’s control
Financing may be solely by the IOC or jointly with the state
The state owns the assets
Production generally belongs to the state, with the exception of the IOC’s
production share, title to which passes to the IOC at the point of export
How will the IOC be compensated?
o If no
production is achieved, the IOC will receive no compensation (RISK)
o Otherwise, the
IOC is entitled to recover costs, and after cost recovery, the balance
of the production is shared on a pre-determined percentage split (the
naming of this type of contracts comes from here)
The IOC’s income is often taxable, with the tax
often paid from the state’s share
· Comparison
between the concession contract and the production-sharing
Ownership of hydrocarbons
The IOC is a quasi-property right holder
The state maintains title to the hydrocarbons
The right of management
The IOC has broad rights
Belongs to the NCO
Title to production
Transfers at the wellhead
Transfers at the point of export
Taxes stabilization
Generally includes a mechanism to stabilize taxes
payable by the IOC
Title to assets
Passes to the state upon expiration of the
Passes to the state at the point of landing in the
national territory
Service contracts
It concedes maximum national control (the IOC
has no right to the service or title to oil production)
The IOC:
o Funds all capital expenditures and
operating costs
o Responsible for
executing operations
o pays corporation
Compensation: the IOC is entitled to:
o Recover capital
and operating expenditures
o Receive
compensations in cash based on the volume of production
Economic benefit for the state: service fee is not tied to oil
prices, higher economic benefits under the service contracts than other types
of contracts in high oil price markets
Comparison between service contracts and PSCs
IOC rights in the area being explored
States control
Payment of IOC
Cash or
buyback arrangements
oil and cash
Comparison between the three types of contracts
Very important: refer to the table
العوامل المالية والاقتصادية الأساسية في تحديد ربحية المتعاقد
Key financial and economic factors
· Factors that
influence contract profitability from the IOC’s perspective
The Tax regime
Taxes of general applicability
Taxes specific to the petroleum sector
Taxes specific to the contract
The Mechanism whereby the IOC will recover its
When will the government ‘take’ its share of
the profits?
Will the contract employ ‘ring fencing’?
How will the oil price be determined?
what level of participation will the government
have in the vehicle undertaking exploration and production activity?
المواد الدستورية المتعلقة بإنشاء المرافق النفطية
Articles of the constitution relating
to creation of state entities
article 73: the amir shall, by decree, issue
regulations necessary for the organization of public services and
administrations, not conflicting with any law. يضع الأمير بمراسيم لوائح الضبط واللوائح
اللازمة لترتيب المصالح العامة بما لا يتعارض مع القوانين
Article 133: law shall regulate general and municipal
self-governing bodies in such a way as to ensure their independence under the
direction and supervision of the government ينظم القانون المؤسسات العامة وهيئات الإدارة
البلدية بما يكفل لها الاستقلال في ظل توجيه الدولة ورقابتها
مقارنة بين المجلس الأعلى للبترول ومؤسسة
البترول الوطنية
Comparison between SCP &
Constitutional basis
Article 73
Article 133
Legal personality
Does not have an independent
Has an independent legal
Legal instrument of creation
Amiri decree
Does not have an independent
Has an independent budget
The role of the government
Presidential power
Administrative custodianship
(the entity remains under the direction and supervision of the government and
must be linked to a particular minister)
The government can assume
the entity
ما هي الوصاية الإدارية؟
Administrative custodianship:
Powers to stop or cancel a decision (but can't amend
It can appoint directors in the entity
It can send issues back to the entity for
· Who practices
custodianship over KPC?
Both the COM and the SCP
· Q. The powers of
COM and SPC in respect of KPC are they limited by article 133 of the
· A. no. they both
retained the power of administrative custodianship over it.
The K companies
K companies
Creating based on the commercial law
They are not 'public corporation' like KPC
(article 133 is not applicable)
NP. Public Corporations are administrative entities
not companies in which the state owns shares
Their funds are considered 'public funds' and
protected by law NO. 1/1993
Nationalization التأميم
ملخص ما يلي: في السبعينات بدأ تأميم الشركات النفطية
مما استدعى استبدال كلمة "ملاك الأسهم" بكلمة أخرى تدل على الشخصية
المعنوية العامة التي تمثل الدولة و تتملك الشركات بعد نقل ملكيتها للدولة ، وفعلا
تم استبدال "ملاك الأسهم" في الوثائق التأسيسية لتلك الشركات بـ
"المجلس الأعلى للبترول" فأصبح المجلس مالكا لجميع أسهم الشركات و
مهيمنا على الجمعية العمومية العادية و الغير عادية لهذه الشركات ، واستمر هذا
الوضع حتى أسست مؤسسة البترول الوطنية حيث نقلت ملكية الشركات إليها وأصبحت مهيمنة
على الجمعيات العمومية العادية .
Q. who does assume the function of the general
assembly of KPC's subsidiaries?
In the 1970s, many companies in the oil sector
were nationalized (K companies were among them)
After nationalization, the reference to 'shareholders'
in the various constitutive documents of the companies needed to be replaced by
reference to 'state entities'
E.g. K companies
(shareholders replaced by the SPC)
When K companies were first
nationalized, the SPC took over the function of both:
o The ordinary general assembly
o The extraordinary general assembly
Later, upon the establishment
of KPC, ownership of the K companies shares and the function of ordinary
general assembly passed to KPC
الأسس الدستورية للتأميم
Constitutional bases of
Article 21 [Natural Resources]: Natural
resources and all revenues therefrom are the property of the State. It
shall ensure their preservation and proper exploitation, due
regard being given to the requirements of State security and the national
Article 17 [Public Property]: Public
property is inviolable and its protection is the duty of every citizen للأموال العامة حرمة وحمايتها واجب على كل
Creation of new state-owned companies
in the oil sector
خلاصة: بعد تأميم الشركات النفطية قامت الكويت
بإنشاء شركات نفطية أخرى بناء على القانون التجاري وليس على المادة 73 ولا 133 من
الدستور ، و ذلك لأن أساليب القانون التجاري أكثر مرونة وأقل تقييدا ، فعلى سبيل
المثال يخضع موظفوا الشركات – بما فيها شركات الـ K إلى قانون العمل في القطاع الأهلي (القانون الخاص)
بينما يعتبر موظفوا مؤسسة البترول الوطنية موظفين عامين ويخضعون لقانون الخدمة
المدنية في الأمور التي لم ينص عليها القانون الخاص بهم .
More convenient than creating entities based on
article 73 or 133 because:
o Based on commercial
law (less restrictions than administrative law) e.g.
§ Companies
employees subject to labor law
KPC employees are public servants subject to
the civil service law where KPC's personnel regulations are silent.
Created under article 133 of the
COM/SCP are administrative custodians
Independent entity: which means that it enjoys operational
separation from the rest of the government
Independent budget
Its revenues are retained by it rather
than going to the ministry of finance
It subject to its own establishing law,
civil service law only applied if that law is silent
It does not subject to the commercial law,
even though it can choose to conduct so.
K companies
Under commercial law
The board of KPC is its ordinary
general assembly
The SPC the its extraordinary
general assembly
K companies have a public aspect, they are
considered 'semi-public services' or 'quasi-public services' because
they are owned by the state
Article 152 of the constitution allows some public services to be run by
the private sector, K companies are examples
The government is constitutionally obliged to protect
and oversee the K companies
K companies subject to the direction and policy of
the government
Employees are considered public servants
Funds are considered 'public funds' protected
by 1/1993
تعريف النفط الخام
Definition of Crude oil
A hydrocarbon
Naturally-occurring substance
Dark, sticky liquid
Source of energy
Highly flammable
Definition of Petroleum in the
Kuwaiti law
Article1 of the law no. 19 for the year 1973 the term
petroleum means 'all natural hydrocarbons whether in solid, liquid,
or gaseous state which are or can be produced from the surface of
the ground or from underground and all hydrocarbons or other kinds of
fuels derived therefrom.
كيفية قياس النفط الخام
How is crude oil measured?
Measures in barrels
1 barrel = 159 L
May be measures in tons
استعمالات النفط الخام
The uses of crude oil
Should be refined intro petroleum products e.g.
1- fuel
2- lubricants
3- asphalt
4- perfumes
5- insecticides
Crucial dates تواريخ مهمة
The first geological
survey (the start of the story)
Signing of the oil
concession agreement
Oil was discovered (Burgan
The first oil shipment
Nationalization of the oil